The Club believes that cricket should be played in the right spirit and our behaviour should always be of the highest standard and reflect the ethos of the club
Our players at senior level are asked to read and abide to the code of conduct at all times
Bapchild Cricket Club is committed to maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and conduct. Players are expected to abide by the following guidelines and accept them as part of their admission to membership
This code of conduct applies to a player’s behaviour while representing the Club on or off the pitch at matches, training and practice sessions and events as well as the use of social networking sites and forms of electronic messaging.
- Players are responsible at all times for ensuring that their behaviour is conducted within the Spirit of Cricket as well as complying at all times within the Laws of Cricket and the rules of any competition in which they participate
- Players must at all times accept the umpire’s decision. Players must not show dissent at the Umpire’s decision or react in a provocative or disapproving manner towards an Umpire at any time.
- Players shall not intimidate, assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an Umpire, another player or a spectator.
- Players shall not use crude and/or abusive language nor make offensive gestures or hand signals nor deliberately distract an opponent by words or actions.
- Players shall not make racially abusive comments nor indulge in racially abusive actions against fellow players, officials, members and supporters.
- Players should respect, co-operate with and encourage their fellow members at all times, irrespective of their abilities. Persecution, humiliation or ridiculing of others will not be tolerated.
- Player’s behaviour and dress both on and off the field should be in keeping with the dignity and best traditions of the game of cricket.
- Players should pay any fees or subscriptions promptly and within any stated deadline.
- Players shall not use or in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs.
- Players should treat everyone equally and should not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
- Players should uphold and act in-line with the Club’s zero tolerance of abuse in any form
- Players should not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed.
- Players should actively encourage the development and assimilation of young players within the team.
- Players should never exert undue influence over players to obtain personal benefit or reward.
- Players should not demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility especially when dealing with persons under 18 years of age.
- Players should avoid unaccompanied and unobserved activities with persons under 18 years of age, wherever possible.
- Players should refrain from conduct that could be regarded as sexual or other forms of harassment.
- Players should maintain a high standard of personal behaviour at all times.
Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws, but also within the Spirit of the Game. Any action, which is seen to abuse this spirit, causes injury to the game itself.
Remember that your conduct is a reflection not only on yourself but also on the Club as a whole. Conduct which damages the reputation of the Club will not be tolerated.
Failure to comply with this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken against any player who is considered to have behaved in a manner unbecoming to the Spirit and the substance of the game or the reputation of the Club.
Any member wishing to raise a complaint against any member on these grounds shall do so in writing to the General Secretary. The General Committee shall consider such cases, discuss them with the parties concerned and where deemed appropriate take disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion.
There shall be no right of appeal against decisions taken by the General Committee and no repayment of any subscriptions already paid.
Further disciplinary action may be taken against a player (and the Club) by the governing body of the competition that the player was participating in at the time of the offence.