Bapchild Cricket Club

Emergency & Contingency Plan

BAPCHILD CRICKET CLUB                     

Emergency & Contingency Plan                   

In the event of a fire

  • The battery operated Fire Alarms will sound OR the fire will be discovered
  • Warn people on the premises by shouting loudly  “FIRE – PLEASE LEAVE THE PREMISES IMMEDIATELY” repeatedly
  • Evacuate the premises via the MAIN DOOR or SIDE DOOR
  • Assist people at risk e.g. disabled or children (especially those unaccompanied) by walking them to the exits
  • Assemble at the Muster Point by the OUTDOOR NETS
  • DO NOT re-enter the building to retrieve personal belongings

Club Representatives (Committee, coaches, key holders)

Without endangering personal safety

  • Check the following rooms are empty of people:
        • Kitchen
        • Toilets
        • Changing Rooms / Showers
        • Equipment Room
  • Call the Fire and Rescue Services
        • DIAL 999
        • Give your Telephone Number and ask for FIRE
        • Give the Location:BAPCHILD CRICKET CLUB,
          Radfield Hill, Bapchild, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME9 9LZ
  • ONLY attempt to fight the fire using the fire extinguishers if personal safety is NOT at risk
  • Assign someone to stand at the MAIN GATE and be visible to the Fire and Rescue Services travelling on the A2
  • Inform the Fire & Rescue Service that there are Carbon Dioxide beer gas cylinders (x3) on-site located in the equipment room behind the door on the left and some inflammable aerosols in the kitchen and bar sink cupboards
  • Organise the people at the Muster/Assembly Point
  • Assign a DBS registered person to look after unaccompanied children
  • Ensure disabled people and those who may be in a state of undress are comfortable
  • Do NOT let cars leave until the Fire and Rescue Services have arrived
  • Do NOT let people sit in cars if there is a danger to the fire spreading to the car park
  • If there is a danger to parked cars catching fire move the muster/assembly point to the north of the field (by the garage)
  • Record details of people who have valuables and belongings in the Pavilion for re-distribution post emergency
  • Organise travel home for individuals where appropriate
  • In the event of inclement weather contact Hempstead House Hotel & Spa to see if they can accommodate disabled/visitors etc. (Tel 01795 428020)


  • All new committee member, coaches and volunteers, will be given an on-site walk round and Fire Precaution Pack. They will be informed on
    • Role and Responsibility
    • Emergency & Contingency Plans
    • Emergency exits, escape routes, fire extinguishers, detectors etc.
  • Emergency & Contingency Plans and Emergency Floor Plans are published on the Club Website and on the Club Notice Board


Bapchild CC - Emergency Plan - Pavilion Layout


 Bapchild CC - Emergency Plan - Assembley Point